Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 9- Family Council

So Friday in class, we talked about how the Presidency and the Twelve counsel weekly. I thought it would be something that could really help with my family, to have a family counsel every week. In class we talked about how the Presidency and the Twelve  first, meet in a set time at a set place. I think that it would be really cool to incorporate that into my future families life. Another thing that they to is to express love and concern before doing anything else. I want to do this with my family as it will bring in a Spirit of love and cooperation and appreciation. This will lead to a better setting in which the Spirit can dwell. They then say a prayer to invite the Spirit, which I also plan to do in my future family counsel, to invite the spirit. After that, they discuss the problem or issue and go around, with the Prophet suggesting what they would like to see happen, and pass it down asking everyone if they agree or have any impressions about the problem. I also plan to do this as I feel it would be the best way for each family member to have time to respond and express their concerns and inspirations. After reaching consensus regarding the Lord's Will (which I plan on being the goal of my future family counsels), they close the meeting with a prayer and then have pie or chocolate. I plan on doing this with my family too because If I close the counsel with a prayer, I am dedicating our commitment to His Will, and putting an end to it. And I plan on having pie, because nothing bonds people like eating pie together.

I think that this will be the best way to solve family conflict, or identify issues before they become problems.

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