Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 6- Marriage contracts

This week we talked a lot in class about how to best ensure that we have a happy and strong marriage. One such thing was to discuss each others roles during our engagement and courtship so we know what we are each doing, and there are no misunderstandings. This is something that I have always been encouraged to do by my parents, but something that I had never considered was how important it was for the marriage to include the dad in everything. Don't get me wrong, I had always planned on the dad being involved in everything, but I never knew how crucial it was to a marriage.

Often, when a child is born, mom will decide that it is her responsibility and ends up shutting out the dad. In order to avoid this, I pinky-swore to my neighbor that I would get my husband involved. I promised that I would let him talk to my stomach, no matter how weird I think it is. I promised I would let my husband feel the kicks, go to appointments with me, and go baby shopping with my husband. (That's shopping for baby things, not for the baby's themselves). I also promised that choosing the baby name would be a joint decision, and I would involve him in preparing for labor. We would jointly discuss our responsibilities and hopes for the future, both immediate and long term. I promised that the husband would take the night shift with the baby,  I would make sure that we had dates together both before and after the baby is born, even if it a candle light dinner of big macs. I will also make sure that I don't express criticism, rather love and appreciation. I would also make sure that dad is in the delivery room, no matter how uncomfortable he is there.

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